Come & Journey with Me

On this great journey of LIFE, we are often challenged, confused, and sometimes even detoured.  There are so many options open to us that making the correct decision is difficult. Choosing the right school, the right major, the right career, and the right partner are the biggies but there are so many more.  Finding our way to God should be paramount.  If you are feeling called to a relationship with God through the Catholic church here is your invitation to come and see.

Sessions will begin in early September and run through April/May (depending upon the year).

In the Fall of ’21, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops convened to renew the vision for initiating adults into the Church. “Rite” was replaced with “Order” for three reasons: (1) the original Latin uses the word “Ordo”, which refers to a sequence of milestones in faith formation; (2) parishes and members alike are called to understand faith formation as a life-long commitment by which we order our lives; (3) Initiation into the Church involves numerous rites.

If you have never received any Sacraments, then you can expect to receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Otherwise, it will depend upon your situation; proof of any previously received Sacraments is required, ideally the certificate given by the church where they occurred.

Twice a month, except holidays, for a total of 14 meetings.  At the Easter Vigil successful participants will receive the Sacrament(s), thanks to the combination of God’s grace & their own efforts. Afterwards, class will resume for a period known as Mystagogy.  That last period of continued growth, in knowledge & love for the Catholic faith, will conclude on Pentecost Sunday (during spring).

Whether you have complete assurance of joining the Church, or you are hoping to just learn a little more about being Catholic, you are welcome to attend sessions. Before anything else, anyone interested in the Sacraments will need to contact Brent Smith, our program coordinator.  

Scheduling conflicts can happen, so when that’s the case, please inform your OCIA instructor(s). This process of learning about Catholicism is done in a spirit of accompaniment, which means the leadership team is committed to walking with you every step of the way.

Throughout the year, our parish and elsewhere in the Rockford diocese there are a variety of opportunities to grow in your practice of the Faith. On a weekly basis, please check out our bulletin, which includes subscribing for free notifications by email & text message. Another option is our parish app. For a provider of solid Catholic content, visit, produced by the Augustine Institute.

OCIA (the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), formerly RCIA, is a church-wide process that brings people into full communion with the Catholic church.  The process culminates with the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.  The date in 2025 will be April 20. 

Those who have never been baptized, those who have been validly baptized but never received further religious education, those who never received their first Eucharist and those who never received Confirmation are all welcome.  These sacraments of initiation bring you fully into our Catholic community here at St. John Neumann as well as into the larger church – the diocese of Rockford to which our parish belongs.

Brent Smith
Director of Adult Formation & Evangelization
630-377-2797 ext 113

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