Teen Dating Violence Awareness

February, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. 
Up to 1 in 4 teens will experience abuse in one form or another before they enter college. TV, movies, and music videos portraying violent and overly dramatic relationships with disrespect and derogatory language are the norm. Today’s young men are flooded with images of violence where aggression is respected, and humiliating others is tolerated. The “win at all costs” concept leads them to view compassion and empathy as weakness. 
It is important to teach our young people to set boundaries and take steps to stop abusive behavior not only in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships but also among their peers. By understanding their identity as sons and daughters of God and God’s love for them, our youth can begin to build relationships based on God’s ultimate design. The most effective prevention begins by educating young people on how to form healthy relationships with others. Click here to learn strategies to promote healthy teen relationships.
For more information contact our Domestic Abuse Ministry at: 630.480.6561
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