2024-2025 Registration
St. John Neumann Youth Faith Formation

$30 late fee per student for registrations made after July 15, 2024

Got questions? For Preschool - 5th Grade, email Kristi at kloar@sjnstcharles.org
For 6th Grade - High School, email Mark at mrestaino@sjnstcharles.org
Fields marked with * are required

Today's Date*:  

Family's Parish*:   SJN    Other (Contact Youth Formation Office)  

Family Last Name*

Mailing Address*:

City*:    State*:    Zip*:

Primary Phone*: ( ) -

Parents / Guardians
* You must provide a name, cell phone and email for at least one parent / guardian below.

Father's Full Name:    Father's Cell Phone: ( ) -    Father's Email:

Mother's Full Name:    Mother's Cell Phone: ( ) -    Mother's Email:

Child(ren) Live With
Both Parents    Mother    Father    Other:

Non-Parental Emergency Contact
Name*:    Relationship to Child*:    Cell Phone*: ( ) -

Name: is interested in being a...

Catechist/Classroom Assistant for    Preschool/Kindergarten    1st Grade    2nd Grade    3rd Grade    4th Grade
5th Grade    6th Grade    7th Grade    8th Grade

High School Leader    Hallway Monitor

All Faith Formation missionary volunteers must fulfill all of the Safe Environment requirements.

*** Youth Faith Formation classes run September-April. Registration is not a guarantee of classroom assignment. Classrooms are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis based on classroom volunteers who have stepped forward; and limits to class size. ***

In first year of attendance, please submit photocopy of baptismal certificate(s) for all children registered.

Do any of your following registered children have allergies or health, behavioral, or developmental concerns, etc.? If so, please
explain below. If your child has an education plan in school, it would be helpful to know the basics of this to assist the child better in
their classes. If your child needs to carry an EPI pen or other medications, please indicate this below.

Student Information
Full Name:    Grade for 2024-2025:      Attended the Program Last Year    Yes    No

School:  Birth date:    

Has Already Received:   Baptism    1st Reconciliation    1st Communion    Confirmation

Sessions (choose all that apply):

Preschool-5th Grade - Faith Formation - Wed 6-7:30pm * 6th-8th Grade - Dinner and Games - Wed 5-6pm
Preschool-5th Grade - Faith Formation - Sun 9:30-11am * 6th-8th Grade - Faith Formation - Wed 6-7:30pm
Preschool-5th Grade - Home Study 6th-8th Grade - Home Study
Special Needs High School - Youth Group - Sun 6:30-8:30pm
*Faith Formation for Preschool-5th Grade includes 1 hour of classroom instruction followed by Family Faith Gathering activities. Parents are expected to participate.
Faith Formation Family Covenant of Expectations
St. John Neumann feels it important to state these expectations so that we all recognize the dignity inherent in each of us.

Rights of Religious Education Families (including Students, Parents, Volunteers, and Staff)
Each person in our parish family has the right to:
  • Be treated in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s command to “love one another.”
  • Be treated respectfully by each other.
  • Grow in faith in a caring and positive atmosphere.
  • Receive support when needed.
  • Expect that the parish will provide a strong faith-based curriculum.
  • Work with others who come to class prepared for each lesson.
  • Have every opportunity to excel in a safe environment.
Responsibilities of Religious Education Families (including Students, Parents, Volunteers, and Staff)
Each person in our parish family has the responsibility to:
  • Treat others in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s command to “love one another.”
  • Show respect to each other by using good manners.
  • Contribute to a caring and positive environment.
  • Seek support in an honest and appropriate manner.
  • Approach each lesson with a willingness to learn and grow in faith.
  • Come to class prepared for each lesson.
  • Volunteers and staff commit to complying with the safe environment requirements of the Diocese of Rockford.
  • Abide by the Religious Education program expectations and policies (see the Family Handbook posted on our website).
  • Abide, to the best of our abilities, by the Precepts of the Catholic Church (the minimum in prayer and living a moral life):
    • Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
    • Confess serious sin at least once a year
    • Receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season
    • Observe days of fast and abstinence
    • Provide for the needs of the Church
Student Code of Conduct
Each catechist will discuss with students the specific behavioral expectations for their class. Most misbehavior will be addressed at the classroom level. Catechists will contact parents and RE Office staff if the student’s behavior impacts classroom instruction. If a student’s behavior continues to impact the class, the RE Office staff may choose to meet with the student or with the catechists, parents, and student in a dialogue.

Behaviors that negatively impact instruction include, but are not limited to:
  • Disrespectful and rude behavior.
  • Use of foul or inappropriate language.
  • Refusal to comply with instructions from catechists or staff.
  • Being in any parish space or leaving parish grounds without permission.
  • Using cell phones or other electronics in a manner that detracts from the learning or prayer situation.
More serious infractions can result in required meetings between RE Office staff and the Pastor and parents, students, and catechist, or can result in movement from an on-site class to the home study program. These infractions include but are not limited to:
  • Bullying, fighting, threatening or harassing
  • Vandalism of parish property, stealing, smoking, using drugs or alcohol
  • Possession of drugs or alcohol on parish grounds
  • Possession of a weapon on church grounds or at parish sponsored events
Date*:     Parent/Guardian’s Signature (type full name)*:

As parent/guardian, I have reviewed these expectations with my family.*
Permission Slip
1. Consent: I grant my permission for my child(ren) to attend and participate in St. John Neumann’s youth formation programs, (hereinafter referred to as "Activity") to be held at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 2900 E. Main Street, Saint Charles, IL 60174, on September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025.

2. Student Cooperation: My child agrees to abide by all the rules of aforementioned Activity and to obey the staff in charge of this Activity. The Parish and Diocese will not be liable for my child's failure to cooperate and/or to abide by the rules. Any infraction of the rules may result in the immediate dismissal of my child from the Activity at my expense and without refund to me of the costs paid for the Activity.

3. First-Aid/Emergency Treatment: I authorize the Parish and Diocese and its employees and volunteers to administer first‐aid to my child if deemed necessary and appropriate to preserve the life, limb or well‐being of my child. I authorize the Parish and Diocese to contact and engage medical personnel and arrange for emergency treatment of my child, including transportation for medical, dental, surgical or hospital care or diagnosis, and I consent to that treatment for my child. I agree that I am financially responsible for such medical treatment.

4. Administration of Medication provided by parent/guardian of child: If my child needs to take prescription or nonprescription medication during this Activity, I have provided the medication in its original container. I give permission to an adult employee to administer the medication or assist in the administration of the medication to my child in the dosage prescribed by the prescription or, for non‐prescription medication, the dosage recommended on the container by the manufacturer. If there are explicit instructions for this medication, I state them here:

5. Videotaping and Still Photography: Video and still photographs may be taken during this program. This authorization form constitutes permission for my child(ren)’s participation in the videotape and /or still photographs, which may be used for future promotional efforts, including the St. John Neumann and Diocese of Rockford websites, bulletin, and the Observer diocesan newspaper, and other flyers, posters, and/or videos.
I do NOT give permission for videotaping or photography

6. Release: I hereby release and discharge the Diocese of Rockford and its Bishop, and the Parish, and the officers, directors, employees, and volunteers of same, from all claims for personal injuries or property damage that I or my child may suffer while my child is attending and/or participating in the Activity, unless the injuries or damage resulted from willful misconduct of the Diocese, the Parish, or its employees. If I have provided medication for my child to take during this Activity, I hereby release and discharge the Diocese of Rockford and its Bishop, and the Parish, and the officers, directors, employees, and volunteers of same, from all claims for personal injuries or property damage that I or my child may suffer as a result of the administration of or lack of administration of or assistance in or lack of assistance in the administration of said medication to my child, whether by my child and/or an adult employee and/or an adult volunteer; unless the injuries or damage resulted from willful misconduct of the Diocese, the Parish, or its employees.

Date*:     Parent/Guardian’s Signature (type full name)*:

Tuition and Fees
Family Last Name     Date

TuitionCost for 1 StudentCost for 2 StudentsCost for 3+ Students=
for all preschool-Confirmation students$150$275$400
FeesCostx Student(s)
Material Fee
for all preschool-Confirmation students
Book of Bible Stories
for preschool-5th grade families that need a Loyola Kids Book of Bible Stories
for all 6th grade-Confirmation students that need a Bible
for all 6th grade-Confirmation students that need a YouCat
Sacramental Fee
for any student celebrating 1st Communion/1st Reconciliation, including all 2nd grade students
Dinner and Games
optional program for 6th-8th grade students
Youth Group Fee
for all high school students
Late Fee
for all students if turned in after July 15th
Your registration is not complete until: 1) All paperwork is received 2) Payment of at least all of your fees is submitted
3) All balances from previous years have been paid in full

Payment Made Via
Online (you will be directed to the link once you click the Submit Registration button below)
Check made out to St. John Neumann
Cash (The parish cannot make change for cash payments)

Choose One:
I have paid my balance due in full: $30.00
I have paid all fees: $30.00, and my remaining balance will be paid by December 1st.
I have paid all fees: $30.00, but my family is experiencing financial hardship. Please send me information regarding financial assistance for this year’s tuition.


If you submit registration through this web-based form, there is no need to include a printed registration packet if you mail in a check payment or bring in cash. Just make sure that the payment is accompanied by your family last name and children’s names.

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