19th Annotation Retreat

Are You Seeking a Closer Relationship with God??
Consider making the Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius in Daily Life

September 22, 2024 – May 6, 2025
St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, developed The Spiritual Exercises and an adaptation of them he called the 19th Annotation retreat, which can be made in the midst of daily life over a nine-month period. It offers an opportunity to learn from spiritual teachings and therefore to grow in intimacy with God by,
discovering one’s deep desires, learning how to discern God’s will in making choices reading scripture as a deep and contemplative prayer form growing through group teaching, class discussions, and personal one-on-one spiritual direction.

Application Process
Those who feel called to this retreat are invited to pray and discern before completing the application. The online a
pplication is below or at the parish office.

Completed applications are due to Deacon Willie by Thursday, September 12, 2024
Forms can be emailed to Deacon Willie at wwilliams@sjnstcharles.org or handwritten and dropped off at the SJN parish office. Notification of acceptance will be received in early September.

Requirements for Participation
• Men and women at least 21 years of age.
• A real desire to deepen one’s prayer life and relationship with God.
• Journaling is strongly encouraged.
• Individual meetings with a spiritual director, and willingness to be open with him/her.
• Attendance at twice-monthly group faith-sharing sessions and willingness to listen & share.
• Previous experience with daily prayer practice and retreat experience of some type is helpful.

Meeting Expectations
Participate in one-hour faith-sharing group meetings every two weeks on Sundays at SJN 8:00-9:15 a.m.
Meet with your spiritual director at a mutually convenient time (roughly 12 meetings).

Cost to Participate
There is no cost for the retreat outside of the nominal cost for materials and the heavy commitment of time. 

Application – PDF Format
Application – Word Doc

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